How much does podiatry cost in Australia?

One of the most common questions podiatry clinics are asked is "how much does podiatry cost?"
podiatrist wearing blue disposable gloves touching a person's foot.

One of the most common questions podiatry clinics are asked is “how much does podiatry cost?” Like many health professionals, a lot of podiatrists will not disclose their fees online as costs can vary between treatments and depend on the patient’s unique circumstance. Some podiatrists bulk bill, whilst others do not, which can make it difficult to calculate the out of pocket expenses you may incur. It is important to note that podiatrist costs may fluctuate with respect to your treatment needs.

Continue reading for more information on podiatry costs for common services.

This article will answer the most frequently asked questions regarding bulk billed podiatrist, private health insurance, and the costs of different services:

      • Do podiatry clinics bulk bill?

      • What are HICAPS facilities?

      • Do podiatrists accept private health insurance?

      • Podiatry services cost

      • About AHP Podiatry

    Do podiatry clinics bulk bill?

    A bulk billed podiatry clinic means the podiatrist accepts the medical rebate offered by Medicare as the full service fee. In this case, there are no gap fees or additional cost for patients.

    For example, podiatry services such as surgical procedures or custom orthotics are not covered by Medicare rebate.

    Do podiatrists accept private health insurance?

    If you have private health insurance you are able to make claims on podiatry services, however, the rebate you are eligible to receive will depend on the type and level of your cover. For a more accurate estimate on your out of pocket expenses, contact your podiatrist for the details of relevant item numbers. You can then contact your private health insurance and check your available cover for the current calendar year against these items.

    At all of our wellness centres nationwide, AHP Connect accepts most major health funds and payment types. This includes Medibank, Bupa, and HBF.

    What are HICAPS facilities?

    HICAPS or Health Industry Claims and Payment Service is an electronic payment system used by healthcare providers to process private health insurance claims onsite. This means that at HICAPS facilities, your claim will be automatically processed at your bulk billed appointments.

    Podiatry services cost

    Podiatrist cost can vary from clinic to clinic depending on a variety of factors. Remember to always consult with your podiatrist for an accurate quote.

    How much does an initial consultation cost?

    According to the Australian Podiatry Association, the average cost charged for initial consultations by podiatry clinics around Australia ranges from $80 – $90. Furthermore, podiatry clinics that charged initial consultation fees between $70 – $80 had more patients that made a subsequent visit.

    How much does chronic disease management cost?

    Patients who have been given a Chronic Disease Management (CDM) referral are able to claim rebates through Medicare on up to five podiatry visits per calendar year. To be approved for a Chronic Disease Management Plan, you must obtain a referral from your GP, who will assess your eligibility. Your plan will outline the exact number of podiatry visits you are able to claim on Medicare annually.

    Without a CDM plan, Medicare will not cover podiatry services outside of the initial consultation.

    How much does ingrown toenail surgery cost?

    Surgery for ingrown toenails can range between $250 to $500, depending on the number of nail edges involved. To receive a more accurate quote for your ingrown toenail surgery, consult with your podiatrist.

    How much do custom orthotics cost?

    The cost of orthotics is dependable on what type you get and the level of your private health cover. The cost of custom orthotics are higher than cast and foot adjusted (CFA) orthotics, however both prices include a biomechanics assessment, orthotics prescription, and an initial fitting.

    The best type of orthotics for you will depend on your condition.

    About AHP Podiatry

    With our team of specialist clinicians, we specialise in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of foot and lower limb complaints sustained during everyday life. Our vision is focused around providing ethical, evidence-based care and ensuring the best outcomes for all our patients.

    Our friendly and professional staff will perform a thorough assessment of your needs. In conjunction with your goals and specific needs, we will create, implement, and manage an individualised treatment plan to improve your quality of life. Our clinicians are the heart of our centres and have been chosen for their exceptional clinical skills, high level of professionalism, and client-focused outlook.

    All our clinicians hold current and full registration with AHPRA and have undergone a full NDIS police check.

    Looking for more information on all our services?

    Contact our friendly team today 1800 111 247 or visit our website to schedule an appointment with one of our expert podiatrists.


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